Freitag, 2. Januar 2015


I really would love to know the experiences of others dealing with hunting behaviour.

Lisbeth is a hunter, but it's not to bad. In the past I have thought I should never ever let allow my dog to hunt. But I now think a little different. On our perfect walking place there are some wild animals - most of them are rabbits. Lisbeth loves to follow the tracks of this animals but allways stays in contact with me. It can happen that she finds a very new track and then she is away for some minutes but she allways returns back. We are working on a call back cue that also works to call her back from wild animals but thats a long way. And I have the experience that calling back from dog friends, mouse holes and wild animals only works when the dog is allowed to do those things regularly. So I try to find places where it's safe to "hunt" a little bit. I never allow Lisbeth to follow deer because this trigger is to much so walking off leash in a wood is normaly not possible.
But my experience is, that Lisbeth is more likely to listen to my call back cues when she is allowed to move freely and follow tracks as well. Last night we have been outside and I just let her go away for a while but it was easy to call her back afterwards. She was happy and satisfied and it feeled at is she wanted to share her experience with me.
I would love to hear your opinion about hunting, freedom and call back cues!

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