Sonntag, 28. Dezember 2014

Something off topic

Again something a little bit off topic.....

Even if we are training an interrupting cue, our training is based mainly on positive feedback. I love to see my dog doing something I like and I am used to tell her so.
But most of the people are focused on the things they do not like.
Like some days ago. I met a dog. He was kind of perfect. He had no problems with all this strangers, with the cats and was calm and polite - but nobody told him. But the two times he barked on the cat he immidiatly was told to be quiet. How frustrating a life like this must be.....
I don't know whose words this are but somebody says you can measure a good dog trainer on the positive feedback he gives to the dog. One time of correction should be related to 15 times of positive feedback. I like this idea!
Try to tell your dog when you like what he is doing and I'm sure you will feel the positive reaction of your canine friend!

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