Mittwoch, 17. Dezember 2014

To be continued

I promised to continue the story about our new working program.

Beside more excersise we have to learn some "rules".
Lisbeth is introduced to two new cues, one means its time to cuddle and the other one is some kind of an interrupting signal.
The first one is trained by buying a new toy wich is totally different to all the others (and buy some more that you'll always find one). When Lisbeth bites the toy and holds it in her mouth I have whatever I'm doing give her attention and pet her. I'm not allowed to play or make party but to calmy praise and pet her. This cue should give her security that she is able to get in contact with me. Until now she do not know how to get my attention, she tries biting some things, jumping, whining all those things. And now I'm channeling her need for attention to this special toy. And I have to praise her 100%. And like everything you reinforce 100% it slowly fades away. At the beginning she was not interested in the toy so I had to put a meaning on it by making it interesting and now I think she has a feeling what it means. I still have to show her when I have the feeling she needs attention but then she holds it for minutes. She is not fucused in retrieving so this is something special for her.
The other cue is the interupting signal, it's like a no but you should choose a word that sounds nice. You teach it by having your dog on leash and throwing some treats on the ground and your dog is allowed to eat them all then you say the word and you throw it out of reach. My dog got it very quickly that this word means stop what you are thinking about.
First of all I was a little bit sceptical because this means a lot of frustration but after a while I was thinking OK ignoring means frustration as well, and Lisbeth do not get the message. She needs to get clear information. What is important when you are using this signal is, to have in mind the reason for the behaviour you are interrupting. I'm going to use it for attention seeking misbehaviours and because I teach Lisbeth this "It's time to cuddle" cue as well she has an option to choose the right behaviour instead to get what she wants! Never ever just stop the behaviour without giving another option!!!
That's it for today... but it will be continued!

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