As I promised in december the story about our newly introduced cues will be continued.
It took a little while until Lisbeth understood the idea and the "cue" for her cuddling time. First of all I introduced her to the toy regularly and whenever she took it in her mouth she was petted. After some days I hade the feeling that Lisbeth understands what the toy means. But Lisbeth still didn't took it by her own initiative. I always showed her the toy when I had the feeling she wants to get in contact. And now after 2 months "training" she truely understands the meaning. She takes the toy and enjoys my attention for minutes.
Yesterday I didn't see her taking the toy but she dropped it on the floor close to me. I heard the noise and turned around, then she took the toy again and gor what she wanted. I love this cue and it helpped us a lot. The biting has decreased drastically and I need the interrupting signal only rarely. I truly can recommend this strategy for dogs who need a lot of attention!
I really love this idea, and it's so cool that it actually works!